The Gurian Institute

Founded in 1996, the Gurian Institute is committed to helping boys and girls reach their full potential by providing professional development that increases student achievement, teacher effectiveness, and parent involvement.

Are you working to:

  • Increase Teacher Effectiveness in all classrooms?
  • Improve Student Performance for both boys and girls?
  • Close Gender Gaps, especially in core areas like Math, Science, and Literacy
  • Increase Parent Participation from preschool through high school?
  • Improve Performance for a struggling school?
  • Provide help for Early Childhood Educators?

The Gurian Institute has trained more than 60,000 teachers in more than 2,000 schools and districts. Schools and districts that utilize our resources have been featured in Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, People Magazine, the Washington Post, on the Today Show and PBS, and in Educational Leadership, Education World, and other public and professional media.

To learn more about schools and districts that are closing achievement gaps utilizing Gurian Institute training, click here.  These schools are filled with passionate administrators and educators who have targeted teacher effectiveness, achievement gaps, school turnaround, and gender gaps as areas for improvement.  The Gurian Institute training programs provide on-site training, onsite coaching and consulting, online courses, summer institutes, and other interventions that help schools, districts, educators, other professionals, and parents.  All GI programs and interventions are research-driven, science-based, and strategies-focused.